Herbalists are Educated Professionals through an established Herbalist Program from a college or univeristy- either in person or online. Self-study is a life time journey, agood education is your starting point or anchor. Herbalists are experts on the uses and precautions of all forms of herbs and herbal supplements. They understand and respect the benefits as well as the pre-cautions using herbal medicine practices. Many people in America are taking several pharmaceutical drugs at once and want to turn to herbs for relief. This is where choosing the best herbal approach gets techinical, being the more challenging aspect of herbalism. Herbalists should not judge or shame others. People are the way they are for several factors- Health, Nutrition, Environment and Emotional States. We strive to help others unconditionally and individually through Herbal Nutrition, Therapies and Remedies. Many Herbalists have other degrees, credentials and certifications to compliment their work. Reiki Masters, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Nurse Practioners, Aromatherpists to name a few. Herbalists vary in their specialities. They may be Product Makers, Herbal Practitioners, Formulators, Farmers and those that Write, Consult with and Educate others.
Who are NOT Herbalists Just because you have read a few books, and have an interest in herbs, that does not make you an "Herbalist" Making some great lip balm or other personal care product does not make you an "Herbalist" An expert in essential oils or other MLM herbal supplement company sales rep does not make you an "Herbalist" Bloggers, Products Makers and others that want to be considered experts please remember: "a little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous" That is why education as well as self study and actual experience working with herbs is so important. The internet is a wealth of really good starting points and some really bad dis-information. Experience guidance from a mentor, then you can best mentor others .